Living with Dementia and Thriving

Dementia is not just losing your memory. It changes every aspect of your life including Social Interaction, Communication, Reasoning, Emotions, Reading Ability, and on and on. Through my blog,, I am hoping others will better understand this disease, PWD (Persons With Dementia) will find encouragement, and Care Givers will get a glimpse of our feelings. While I am still able, I share my journey through the progressing stages in hopes of helping others through their path.

Most Recent Posts:

Accepting Change

Like the waves hitting the beach, life is constantly changing and we are constantly changing with it.  Change is an inevitable part of life.  We develop, we age.   We laugh, we cry.  We dislike, we love.   And as our lives transform, we either try to deny or resist the change, take action to modify the change, and/or we embrace the transformation and work with (or through) it.

What They Don’t Tell You About Dementia

When I was diagnosed with dementia (Early On-Set Alzheimer’s and Frontotemporal Degeneration) the doctors told me and my husband:

  1. My working days were over
  2. I needed to “Get my affairs in order and see an attorney”
  3. The time would come when I wouldn’t recognize my loved ones
  4. For any additional information, we should go to the Alzheimer’s Association Website
  5. I may experience “sun-downing” in the late afternoons
  6. Come back in six months to see how rapidly you have progressed

I no longer wanted just to survive with dementia, I wanted to thrive!

When I was diagnosed with Early On-Set Alzheimer’s and FTD (Fronto-Temporal Degeneration/Dementia) the doctor’s only advice was “Go home, put your affairs in order, see an Elder Care Attorney and come back in six months.”  We left his office with the understanding that I would forget my loved ones and die at any time.